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Tools and Supplies to get rid of fruit flies in the refrigerator
1 Fruit fly trap
2 Fly swatter
3 Vacuum cleaner
4 Cleaning spray
5 Refrigerator thermometer
6 Plastic wrap
7 Apple cider vinegar
8 Dish soap
9 Ziplock bags
10 Baking soda

How to get rid of fruit flies in the refrigerator

Say Goodbye to Fruit Flies in Your Fridge with These Simple Tips

Fruit flies are pesky little insects that can quickly multiply and infest your refrigerator. They are attracted to the sweet and sugary smells of fruits and vegetables, and once they find their way into your fridge, they can be difficult to get rid of. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of fruit flies in your refrigerator.

Step 1: Remove all fruits and vegetables

The first step is to remove all fruits and vegetables from your fridge. This will help you identify the source of the fruit flies and prevent them from spreading. Check all the produce for signs of spoilage and discard any that are overripe or rotting.

Step 2: Clean the refrigerator

Once you have removed all the produce, it's time to clean the refrigerator. Use a solution of warm water and dish soap to wipe down all the shelves, drawers, and walls of the fridge. Pay special attention to any areas that may have spilled juice or food residue. Rinse the fridge with clean water and dry it with a clean towel.

Step 3: Check for hidden sources

Now that your fridge is clean, it's time to check for any hidden sources of fruit flies. Check the rubber seals around the doors, the drip tray, and the drain hole for any signs of food residue. Use a toothbrush or a small brush to clean these areas thoroughly.

Step 4: Use a fruit fly trap

If you still notice fruit flies in your fridge, it's time to use a fruit fly trap. You can make a simple trap by placing a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a jar or bowl and covering it with plastic wrap. Poke a few holes in the plastic wrap with a toothpick and place the trap in your fridge. The fruit flies will be attracted to the vinegar and will get trapped inside the jar.

Step 5: Monitor and repeat

Check the trap regularly and dispose of any trapped fruit flies. Repeat the process until you no longer see any fruit flies in your fridge. It's important to continue monitoring your fridge and keeping it clean to prevent any future infestations.

In conclusion, getting rid of fruit flies in your refrigerator requires a combination of cleaning, identifying the source, and using a trap. By following these steps, you can eliminate fruit flies and keep your fridge clean and fresh.

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