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Tools and Supplies to use lemon to get rid of fruit flies
1 Lemon squeezer
2 Spray bottle
3 Fine mesh strainer
4 Knife
5 Cutting board
6 Bowl
7 Measuring cup
8 Funnel
9 Mason jar
10 Plastic wrap

How to use lemon to get rid of fruit flies

Lemon hack: Say goodbye to fruit flies for good!

Fruit flies are pesky little insects that can quickly become a nuisance in your home. They are attracted to ripe fruits and vegetables, and once they find their way into your kitchen, they can be difficult to get rid of. Fortunately, there is a natural solution to this problem – lemon. Here's how to use lemon to get rid of fruit flies:

Step 1: Cut a lemon into halves
Take a fresh lemon and cut it into halves. You can use either a whole lemon or just half of it, depending on how many fruit flies you need to get rid of.

Step 2: Squeeze the lemon juice
Squeeze the lemon juice into a small bowl or cup. Make sure to remove any seeds that may have fallen into the juice.

Step 3: Add water and dish soap
Add a small amount of water to the lemon juice and mix in a few drops of dish soap. The dish soap will help to break the surface tension of the water, which will make it easier for the fruit flies to sink and drown in the mixture.

Step 4: Place the mixture in a shallow dish
Pour the lemon mixture into a shallow dish, such as a saucer or bowl. Place the dish near the area where you have noticed the most fruit flies. You can also place the dish near any windows or doors where the fruit flies may be entering your home.

Step 5: Wait and watch
Wait for a few hours and watch as the fruit flies are attracted to the lemon mixture. The scent of the lemon will lure them in, and the dish soap will trap them and prevent them from flying away.

Step 6: Dispose of the fruit flies
Once you have caught a significant number of fruit flies, dispose of them by flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash. Repeat the process as needed until all the fruit flies have been eliminated.

In conclusion, using lemon to get rid of fruit flies is a natural and effective solution that is safe for your home and family. Follow these simple steps to get rid of fruit flies and enjoy a pest-free home.

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